Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Lomo Attempt (8)

oh i admit it.. i ain't good in taking plants and flowers pictures...

so i usually take at least 3 pics on a single material...
i like my style, although i am not good in this, that is having a different distance...


comon closer...


that's better...


Mz said...

i love sunflowers.. i love them so much dat i couldn't bear to buy them from florists. i bought some once from cameron highlands, n on the same day, by the time i reach home, they've withered n became very sad n died. now i just watch them from afar, knowin dat they'll always be lookin towards the brightest side of the universe, lookin forever beautiful..

davors said...

suddenly everyone is like 感性...

anyway... when u get something and have something... just be appreciated and cherish the possession...

everything in our life come and go away...
we're the one who make it valuable and memorable...

dont let this happen to you!

god bless.. :)

f-r3d said...

very insightful thoughts.. though only thing i like about sunflowers is the seed.. yummy..
but i really like ur photos indeed.. definitely worthwhile to hav a look of it and appreciate the elements and essence in it

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someone said weird... but not maniac...