Monday, June 20, 2005

Terrible Mistake - Pity XiaXue

When I read the newspaper today, I was really SHOCKED when I see the Sarong Party Girl issue was posted with XiaXue picture on it... It is really a teerible MISTAKE!

You can see how XiaXue outrage on this mistake.
I was surprise with some of the quotes on some newspaper...
1.定期检查"爱滋病" (Check every 6 months!? I thought she said play safe?)
2.只和白人交往 (What about guyz in Singapore? They were insulted...)
I think the media pass around the same source and the same picture they have.
Pity Xiaxue... Really SiaSui this time...

Click HERE to view XiaXue's blog on this issue...

Another recommended review post by kennysia on June 13, 2005.

They look similar?
Definitely NOPE in my view...

Similarity : 10%


Shiny Blue Black said...

Why not pity SPG also lah?

She was the one who had her quotes taken out of context. I think she also would be pissed off that someone would think she'd wear a huge flower in her hair.

Both also pity lah.

davors said...

ya.. that's true...

it seems the paper media has too many spaces on their column that the keep on reporting blogs...

pity all the victims

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